Your Source for Telepsychiatry.

Mental health care suited to your lifestyle.

Here at Reliable Mental Health Services, we have taken all the hassles out of seeking treatment for your mental health concerns. We offer expert, individualized custom care from the comfort of your own environment.  Take advantage of a mental health screening to ensure you receive the proper treatment plan for your needs.


What are the benefits?

With online care, our providers can reach everyone living in our coverage areas who have access to an internet connection and an electronic device!

Reliable Mental Health Services offers:

  • Quick response time to get you set up with a provider

  • Education on mental health concerns, issues, medications, and treatments

  • Expert assessment of mental health concerns you would like to discuss

  • Extensive professional evaluation of mental health diagnoses

  • Customized medication treatment that suits your needs and beliefs

  • Compassionate providers with a complete hands-on approach with individualized attention to you, your needs, your beliefs, and your goals.


What we treat 

Our providers are experienced in telehealth and the delivery of psychiatric care for

How do I know if I need telepsychiatry services?

Here are some screening tools that can help you along with your choice

You are just one click away from excellent mental health care with a personal touch

We are currently taking new patients in Missouri